Graduated from Seoul Nat’l University, Computer Science & Engineering.
Work Experience
- Internship in Sk Hynix, Mobile SoC for 6 weeks
- Summer internship
- Worked in Visual Shower, Robust Team(Client) (2016.08 ~ 2016.11)
- Mobile Game Development with C++ based self-development engine.
- Develop tools for data processing with C#
- Served in the army as CERT(Computer Emergency Response Team) (2018.01 ~ 2018.08)
- Used NAC, WF, SIEM, etc.
- Worked in Omnis Labs, as Deep Learning and BackEnd Engineer (2019.03 ~ 2020.02)
- Develop with Keras, Tensorflow, Docker, nodejs, Redis, AWS.
- Work in Violet Corp, as BackEnd Engineer (2020.03 ~ 2021.06)
- Develop with Node, Koa, Express, GraphQL, Postgres, Redis, Docker, AWS, Azure.
- Work in Line Friends Corp(IPX), as BackEnd Engineer and DevOps (2021.06 ~ 2022.07)
- Develop with Golang, Verda(Line Cloud Service), Kubernetes, Istio, MySQL.
- Work in BabiTalk, Carelabs Corp (2022.07 ~ )
- Develop with Python, AWS, Kubernetes.