Advanced Machine Learning - Introduction to Deep Learning- Week3

3 minute read

This post is a summary for Advanced Machine Learning - Introduction to Deep Learning Course week3 in Coursera.

Introduction to CNN

  • Image as a neural network input
    • Normalize input pixels: \(x_{norm} = \frac {x} {255} -0.5\)
    • MLP couldn’t work because features in different areas don’t work in same model.
    • Convolution will help in that case.
    • Convolution is a dot product of a kernel and a patch of an image.
  • Convolution is similar to correlation
  • Convolution is translation equivariant
    • if we move the input and apply convolution, it will act the same as if we first applied convolution
  • Backpropagation for CNN
    • Backpropagation_CNN.png
    • Gradients of the same shared weight are summed up.
  • Convolutional vs fully connected layer
    • In convolutional layer, the same kernel is used for every output neuron. Share parameters of the network.
    • Fully connected layer where each output is a perceptron.
    • ex. 300x300 input, 300x300 output 5x5 kernel, convolutional layer needs 26parameters, \(8.1 x 10^9\) parameters needed in fully connected layer.
  • A color image input
    • W X H X C tensor
  • One convolutional layer is not enough
    • We use another convolutional layer above convolutional layer
    • In this case, Receptive for nth convolutional layer will be 2n+1 x 2n+1 when 1st convolutional layer cover 3x3.
  • Pooling layer
    • Works like a convolutional layer but doesn’t have kernel.
    • It calculates maximum or average of input patch values.
    • Pooling_layer.png
  • Backpropagation for max pooling layer
    • Maximum is not a differentiable function.
    • No Gradient w.r.t to non maximum patch nuerons.
    • Change of maximum patch neurons will affect the output.

Modern CNNs

  • Sigmoid activation
    • sigmoid.png
    • x for input and \(\frac {1} {1+e^{-x}}\) for output
    • If x is too small or too big, it can lead to vanishing gradients.
  • Tanh activation
    • tanh.png
    • Zero-centered
    • Similar to sigmoid
  • ReLU activation
    • ReLU.png
    • Fast to compute
    • Gradients do not vanish for positive x’s
    • Not zero centered
    • Can die when x initialized as less than zero
  • Leaky ReLU activation
    • Leaky_ReLU.png
    • Will not die.
  • Weights initializations
    • weight_init.png
    • If we start with all zeros. simga 2 and sigma 3 have same updates.
    • We can break with small random numbers.
    • If we initialize like \(E(x_i) = E(w_i) = 0\) then the expected value of linear combination is zero.
    • weight_init2.png
    • n Var(w) should be 1.
    • If it greater than 1, variance will increase while passing hidden layer.
  • Batch normalization
    • normalize neuron output before activation
    • \(h_i = \gamma_i * \frac {h_i - \mu_i} {\sqrt {\sigma_i^2}} + \beta_i\).
    • \(\mu_i = \alpha * mean_{batch} + (1 - \alpha) * \mu_i\).
    • \(\sigma_i^2 = \alpha * variance_{batch} + (1 - \alpha) * \sigma_i^2\).
    • \(0 < \alpha < 1\).
    • Since normalization is a differentiable operation, we can apply backpropagation.
  • Dropout
    • Reduce overfitting.
    • Keep neurons active with probability p.
    • During training, all nuerons are present but outputs are multiplied by p.
  • Data augmentation
    • Since Datasets are not that huge, we apply flips, rotations, color shifts, scaling, etc.
  • AlexNet(2012)
    • First deep CNN for ImageNet
    • 11x11, 5x5, 3x3 convolutions, max pooling, dropout, data augmentation, ReLU activations, SGD With momentum.
  • VGG (2015)
    • Similar to AlexNet for using convolutions, pooling, etc.
    • only 3x3 convolutions but lots of filters.
  • Inception V3 (2015)
    • Use Inception block.
    • Batch Normalization, image distrotions, RMSProp for gradient descent.
  • 1x1 convolutions.
    • Capture interactions of input channels in one pixel of feature map.
    • Reduce the number of channel.
  • Basic Inception block.
    • inception_block.png
    • 4 different feature maps are concatenated on depth at the end.
    • We can replace 5x5 convolution to 2 3x3 convolutions.
  • Filter decomposition in Inception block
    • inception_block_final.png
    • 3x3 convolutions are expensive parts.
    • Replace with 1x3 layer and 3x1 layer.
  • ResNet (2015)
    • Introduces residual connections
    • few 7x7 convolution layers, rest are 3x3 convolution layers. batch normalization, max and average pooling.
  • Residual connections
    • residual_connection.png
    • Create output channels adding a small delta F(x) to original input channels x
    • Can stack thousands of layers and gradients do not vanish.

Applications of CNNs

  • Transfer learning
    • Deep networks learn complex features extractor, so we use it for a new task.
    • Less data to train
    • Can partially reuse ImageNet features extractor when domains are not realtive to ImageNet dataset. (ex. human emotions)
  • Fine-tuning
    • Initialize deeper layers with values from ImageNet.
    • Don’t start with a random initialization.
    • Propagate gradients with smaller learning rate.
  • fine_tuning.png

  • Semantic Segmentation
    • Need to classify each pixel
    • Pooling layer can’t be applied since it works as downsampling images.
    • semantic_segmentation.png
    • If we use pooling layer, we should upsample.
    • semantic_segmentation2.png
  • Nearest neighbor upsampling
    • Fill with nearest neighbor values
    • get a pixelated values.
  • Max unpooling
    • Remeber which element was max during pooling, and fill taht position during unpooling.
    • max_unpooling.png
  • Learnable unpooling
    • Replace max pooling layer with convolutional layer
  • Object classification + localization
    • Find a bounding box of an object.
    • object_detection.png
    • Train classification layer with cross-entropy
    • Reuse convolutional feature layer and train bounding box layer with MSE.
    • Loss will be the sum of 2 losses.

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